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Yevno Azef - terrorist double agent


Yevno Azef was Russia's leading terrorist and most highly paid police informant. In 1904 he organized the assassination of Vyacheslav Plehve who was minister of the interior and a person who initially recruited him. This gave him a lot of credit in Socialist Revolutionary Party, which in turn allowed him to give away a lot of party members to the secret police without being suspected of treason.

Ignaz Semmelweis - father of antisepsis


Ignaz Semmelweis was a doctor in the 1800s who discovered that doctors were responsible for childbed fever. The cause of this illness was bacteria being transferred from dead bodies to living ones, which could happen if the doctor went from performing an autopsy then delivering a baby without washing his hands.

Last US state to repeal slavery


In 1995, Mississippi became the last state in America to ratify the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. It was a distant relative of abolitionists from Ohio and Tennessee who helped write it. In fact, slaveholding was still legal in all but one of fifty states until 1864 when Nevada abolished it.

Great ape language

nature science

Since the early 1960 until the present day a lot of effort was made to teach and research the ability of different apes to communicate with different forms of language. Sign language, lexigrams, and mimicry of human speech have all been used to teach chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans to communicate with humans and each other.

Schizophrenia: how the outer and inner world affects the voices in the head

One of the main symptoms of schizophrenia is hearing voices in the head (auditory hallucinations). Up to 75% of diagnosed patients have it. Some people report that voices are always there, while others only hear them from time to time. Voices can be soft and calming, or they can be harsh and demanding. Why do some patients hear disturbing voices that bother them, while others don't face such problems.

Yevno Azef - terrorist double agent

Yevno Azef was Russia's leading terrorist and most highly paid police informant. In 1904 he organized the assassination of Vyacheslav Plehve who was minister of the interior and a person who initially recruited him. This gave him a lot of credit in Socialist Revolutionary Party, which in turn allowed him to give away a lot of party members to the secret police without being suspected of treason.

Mimicry: a tale of natural born imposters

Mimicry is a phenomenon where organisms resemble other species or objects for their own advantage. It can be found in animals, plants and minerals. For example, you might find a plant that resembles some venomous insect or vice versa some predator that resembles a plant.

Linguistic relativity: Why understanding the world through language matters

Linguistic relativity or Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is a proposal that the structure of a language affects its speakers' world view or cognition. The strongest version of the hypothesis holds that language shapes thought, but weaker versions suggest that it only influences thought.

Why Prairie dogs are actually smarter than meets the eye

These furry little creatures spend most of their time communicating with one another through vocalizations or visual signals like tail wagging or nose touching. Their language is now considered to be the most complex of all animal languages (more complex than chimpanzee and dolphin language).